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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Zombies attacking? Nahh

Zombie apocalypse has been overthrown! All of this month the hype of December 21, 2012 was arising, and now is done. The idea of the world ending and the time of human existence becoming cist are now over. This past week I was looking at all of the doomsday prepers and the people thinking we will die in shame. Then one day in AP Lang class a girl brought up the idea that NASA had proposed the idea of total darkness due to the planets all aligning with the sun causing it to become dark. This is when I started fearing for my life. What if this mass destruction will occur again and I will not make it through to see the other side? What if the human race is gone in a day! What if!

On December 20 facebook exploded with the last posts of people believing that we were about to die. These thoughts intruded my mind and scarred me beyond belief.  I then felt that I might be living my last days on this earth. I might have a horrible and painful death that I will fall too. We have all seen the movie 2012 that I filled with the idea of the world going into utter chaos and everyone falling into holes or being drown to death. Imagine living in that time and seeing others dying around you. I never thought much of the movie until it hit 2012 and this movie could become real. We have predictions that many have stated to make sure to scare us all. These people convince the world that we are done but are we?

No we will continue living our daily lives and continue to see that nothing will end the human race. The ideas that many come up with taint the human thought process and make us feel that we are not going to be able to see another day. Well guess what all you believers! I am still alive and will be alive and hope that when the day comes around for the world to end that I will be peacefully down in the ground. The world can do amazing things and I believe that we can make it through any mass destruction that the universe may throw at the people of this planet.


  1. Too bad zombies will take over...

  2. You had me at the title. To be honest, haven't actually read the post yet, but I'm informing you that

    A. I like turtles.
    B. I like your blog post title. It drew me in with its wondrous attention-getting abilities.
    C. This point is a lie.

    Thanks, bro.
