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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Harlem Shaking up the world

The ideas of the Harlem Shake have been intruding our culture recently. Everyone is entertained by the comical styles of others we may know. Recently DanceNation the studio I coach at had the instructors create a Harlem Shake video. All of our students loved it because they had seen previous ones and now are enthralled with the idea of seeing their advisors do the same. We now are known as the even cooler instructors because we can rock out and show how we can rock out for some good ol fun. WE now are plastered all over YouTube with the ideas of watching us “Shake.”

This past week I have seen the teachers of Kennedy high school create a Harlem Shake that was posted for us to view. The full one will be coming in the spring term assembly. It is cool to see the staff transform into a new person and enjoy themselves. We all do have the ideas of teachers being locked up in their rooms, and never leave the school. It is nice that they are showing how they can kick back and entertain the school.

I am now overcome with the idea of Harlem Shake. Is it a good idea or is it the time consuming ideas of many who they have come to have them created. Yes they do look like fun but aren’t the whole ideas getting old for some? We see them everywhere and to the same song over and over. For what? The pure satisfactions of seeing others make fools out of themselves.

It is funny to see the trends that have come from old to new. The Harlem Shake was actually a dance move a few years ago and now it has come back to have everyone enthused. Whoever created the idea of a Harlem Shake we all bow down to the hours of entertainment you have provided. From now on the Harlem Shakes will be viewed forever and now are impossible to remove. The shake has hit a high like “Bieber fever” and will be here to stay. As more continue to make fools out of themselves we will continue to laugh as they do. I am forever inclined in the era of the Harlem Shake, Amen! In the end one saying comes to mind. Hey we only live once right? Let Harlem Shakes live on forever!

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