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Thursday, March 7, 2013


Dreams. When you hear this word what do you think of? I instantly get the thought of something fanciful that can make you wake up and smile. As I think of my dreams they make me more confused than relieved. I know that psychology suggests that dreams are to foreshadow your future and help us subconsciously think through troubles we have in life. It is documented that when you dream as a child you will work through issues that you may have in the future. While this could be true but I know there more. Are they images from our past life, future life, or what we would like to happen?

Whenever a dream pops into my head I wake in the morning and try to sort it out. Granted I am a girl and will over think my thoughts but I still feel that there is more purpose to them. So what if they are supposed to help us work through problems. Most of my dreams have not helped me work though any situations. They take me out of reality and let me go somewhere else. I then wake to the lingering question of what if? I then continue to float on the cloud I was put on thinking that everything would continue on okay. I just cannot get the thoughts out of my head and continue to surround me through the day. On the other hand I feel that dreams are there to let us get the fantasy that we believe and then we can move on. I wish I could have the answer to all of my questions because they can drive a girl insane. I am consumed with this idea of dreams and how they affect our lives.


Nightmares. That’s the next thing I think of. Do you ever have that horrific scene that you can’t shake and then you become paranoid that it will happen to you? This is the sad reality of going to bed. You can never have a peaceful night we are always haunted by either the ideas of fantasy or the ideas of horror. The meanings of these are supposed to help us but do they? Many would agree that we would be okay to just relax and sleep. I then spend my next day analyzing the effects of the dream. Let’s just be given the answers and be done with this. So next dream you have don’t analyze it just let it go.

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