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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Death can be gods welcoming call to heaven

When you lose someone it is such a tragic and devastating idea. You feel as you have just disappeared and you cannot be seen by anyone around you. Isolated, cold, and frozen in place. Your mind just ran straight off the track and into a cliff. This whole instance hit home for me on November 26 this year.

November 26th is the anniversary of my grandfather’s death last year. All day I could only think of him and all the memories that we had together. He was a very influential aspect in my life. He was always there with his loud laugh to keep me on track and feeling okay. He would make the funniest jokes and have a smile on his face. As he grew older he was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. The disease consumed him but he still remembered me. I was one of the only memories he could hold onto. He could recall when we raced as a family at Hawkeye Downs and would win the rookie of the year. He recalled anything involving his cars too. We used to ride around in his limo all of the time when I was a little kid when he could drive.

When time went on he became worse and god decided it was time to take him to heaven with him. I woke up on a Saturday. November 26th to be exact, to my mother crying. I knew it had happened and that the time had come for him to go. I knew it was okay and that he wouldn’t suffer anymore. I looked up and laughed imagining all of the time we had spent together and that he will be an amazing addition to heaven. He has now been welcoming everyone to the gates of heaven with a smile and hello.

November 26th now is the anniversary of Drew Walls death. On the day god took my grandpa he gained Drew too. I heard the news as my night was ending and it was very sad to hear. In my heart I knew he was not suffering anymore like my grandfather was not anymore.  Drew had a good fight and now is freed of all burdens to be a kid. As I thought of the time I knew that my grandpa was standing at the gates to heaven with his cheesy smile saying welcome. He would ask him all about his life and would tell him about me.

I know throughout these unfortunate events they will learn to be friends and my angels in heaven watching me every day.

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